BMW Repair Mechanic Reston VA
“We are your BMW Dealership Alternative”

Inspection 1:
What does Inspection 1 for BMW vehicles include?
Inspection 1 has many parts, including a road test, many points of inspection, and a few quick tune-ups. We’ve broken down what our technician will do by category for you.
Under your BMW:
- Change the oil and oil filter, as during the Oil Change Mechanic
- Verify that the engine is running at the correct temperature
- Check the power steering system, rear axle, and transmission for leaks; your fuel connections, lines, and tanks will be visually checked for leaks
- Check the exhaust system for leaks, proper positioning and mounting, and overall condition
- Check front control arm and bushing for wear
- Check steering system for absence of play and overall condition
- Check brakes, check the brake disc surfaces, and examine the thickness of your brake pads,
- Examine brake lines and clutch system connectors for leaks, damage, and proper positioning
- Check positioning and movement of parking brake cables
Tires and wheels:
- Check all tires, including your spare, for proper tire pressure
- Examining tires for wear and even tread, realigning or correcting if necessary
Tire Rotation
Under the hood:
Use a scanner to read your diagnostic system
- Check your antifreeze, coolant, brake, clutch, and windshield washer fluid levels and correct as necessary
- Examine your engine cooling system/heater hose connections for leaks
- Verify that your air conditioner is working properly
- Perform a battery load test and check the electrolyte levels of your battery
Reset Mechanic indicator
For the body and interior of your BMW, our technician will:
- Check all interior and exterior lighting for functionality
- Check your indicator lights, instrument panel, and dashboard for illumination and control
- Check your washer and wiper system for functionality
- Verify operation of all doors and closures as well as grease hood, trunk/tailgate and door latches
- Check safety belts for functionality and visually check air bag units for obvious damages or torn covers
- Check heating and air blowers and defoggers for functionality
Verify that mirrors are in working order and no cracks
The Final Test
To double check all of the check points of BMW Inspection 1 and to verify proper working order of your BMW, our technician will take your vehicle on a short road test.
How often is Inspection 1 necessary?
The BMW Repair Mechanic schedule varies based on the age and model of your BMW
For most BMW 1991 and prior, your first Inspection 1 will occur at 15,000 miles, then every 30,000 miles after that, so again at 45,000 miles, then 75,000 miles, and so forth.
For model years 1992-1998 and the 1999 E36, the first Inspection 1 Mechanic is scheduled at 20,000, then every subsequent 40,000 mile interval, e.g. 60,000, 100,000, and so forth.
For BMW manufactured after 1999 (excluding the ’99 E36), the first Inspection 1 Mechanic is set at 30,000 and then every 60,000 miles after that, with second at 90,000, third at 150,000, and so forth.
Inspection 2:
Is the most comprehensive element of your BMW maintenance schedule, incorporating all of the elements of Inspection 1 with a few additional features.
What is included in BMW Inspection 2?
All of the elements of Inspection 1 are repeated during Inspection 2. In addition to those Mechanics, Inspection 2 adds:
- Inspection of your parking brake lining
- Replacement of spark plugs
- Replacement of air filters
- Examination of flexible boots for leaks
Inspection of the car body for rust per your rust prevention warranty
How often should you schedule Inspection 2?
Your Mechanic Indicator Lights are the best guide for when to perform scheduled maintenance on your BMW, but the general guidelines for Mechanic according your Factory Scheduled Maintenance are as follows:
For model years 1991 and older, your first scheduled Inspection 2 should be at 30,000 miles and every subsequent 30,000 mile interval.
For years 1992-1998 and the 1999 E36 Inspection 2 should be done at 40,000 miles and every subsequent 40,000 mile interval.
For model years 1999 (except for the E36) and newer, your first Inspection 2 should be at 60,000 miles and every subsequent 60,000 mile interval.